Rauemi | Resources

Welcome to our resource hub

  • Takiwātanga brochure

    Takiwatanga is committed to dismantling the negative stigma associated with autism. Our brochure serves as a beacon, illuminating the path toward a more inclusive society. By changing negative myths and misconceptions, we aim to create an environment where everyone, regardless of neurodiversity, can thrive.

  • Takiwātanga Resource Project

    In collaboration with Altogether Autism, Kanorau are working to develop and provide culturally appropriate Takiwātanga (Autism) resources for the community, whānau, hapū and iwi. Download the poster below to learn more about the project and how you can be involved.

Ngā taituarā o ngā taonga whaitakiwātanga 

Ngā Taituarā o ngā Taonga Takiwā is a storytelling initiative dedicated to capturing and sharing the diverse and powerful experiences of whānau living with takiwatanga in Aotearoa. Rooted in the values of te ao Māori this project amplifies the voices of whānau who are navigating the journey of living with takiwātanga, highlighting their stories of resilience, growth, and connection.

Through the personal narratives of whānau and taonga whaitakiwātanga themselves, our goal is to foster greater awareness and understanding of takiwātanga from a uniquely Māori perspective, grounded in our reo and tikanga.  We aim to create a platform that not only honours the stories of each whānau and tāngata whaitakiwātanga themselves, but also provides insights, resources, and support for others within the community.  As the voices of our tāngata whaikaha are often silenced or not given the opportunity to be heard on a wide scale, it was important that this initiative focused on our whānau, to enable them that platform. It is time we start sharing our own stories. 

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