Kanorau Takiwātanga Wānanga - Waikato
“Kei wētehi, kei wētehi anō he rerekē, he kanorau tōnā ake āhua, tōnā ake mana, tōnā ake mauri.
Each and everyone has their own uniqueness, life essence and presence”
Kanorau Takiwātanga Consultants will hold the first of a series of wānanga in Waikato for taonga takiwātanga whānau, health practitioners and education specialists.
These wānanga are a part of our mission to empower whānau and educating professionals about takiwātanga throughout Waikato.
As it is our intention to design wānanga to address the needs and aspirations of those attending, we ask that whānau and professionals register interest by getting in contact and we will provide a survey to complete prior to the wānanga. We are fortunate enough to have some amazing professionals and whānau members on board who will providing insight and advice specific to those living within the region on how to access the right supports and navigate the health, disability and education sectors.
To ensure the wānanga are tailored to meet the needs of our whānau it is important a lot of thought goes into the pre-planning to ensure we are sharing the right information with you. Therefore, your interest below to attend the Kanorau Takiwātanga wānanga tuatahi in Waikato.